Walking to the checkout is superfluous

Composition of the system:
1x iPod Touch, 1x printer, 1x WLAN

The procedure of the service:
The waiter transmits the order by iPod directly at the guest's table (without any paper, pen or typing into the touchscreen). The printer prints the order sheet and the waiter brings it to the kitchen in order to inform the cook.
The traditional touchscreen checkout system now belongs to the past. The waiter doesn't need any more to run after the touchscreen. The system accelerates the order procedure and relieves the waiter.
We also offer a stationary iPad touchscreen as replacement for the old touchscreen system, for restaurants which can not renounce to a stationary touchscreen for different reasons.

Service costs per month: 0.- CHF
The service for the first 4 devices (a device can be an iPod, iPad or a printer) is always free with us.

For restaurants with several waiters:
Every waiter has an iPod, with which he can not only send orders but also be identified by the cash management. With the traditional touchscreen system, every waiter receives a magnetic card in order to be identified as a cash recipient. This card is now replaced by the iPod.
Before the restaurant's closing, the waiter can calculate cash with the restaurant manager, according to statistics of the iPod.